I can't believe its Friday already, where are the weeks going? We just wrapped up our Early Man unit in class this week. We spent a day learning about a very unique culture the "Naciremas" (ask your student all about it)! We also tried our hand at Cave Painting. Students crawled into our "cave" and left their mark. We also watched the Flintstones and discussed the Old vs. New Stone Age.
Next week: Students will get new coursepacks with checklists for what is due. We are starting our unit on Ancient Mesopotamia. They also received their projects in class today so they should be filling out their "project proposal forms" this weekend if they didn't in class. Please have them check in with me if there is a problem with this, however we should be good to go on Tuesday. They may want to bounce ideas off of you, the project they design should be something they can complete in class in three days.
Progress reports went home today- they are always difficult for my class as we don't really have a "grade." I just put if they completed the first Mastery Test or not and how many lectures they completed online. Remember they may still turn in anything to me, they just need to have it done by the end of the term.
I hope everyone has a great weekend, and as always let me know if there are any questions or concerns!
Happy Friday!
Our Cave Painting:
Our "Cave":
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